Drive For Justice 18: The Players, Pt. 5 – The Judge and Her Paramour

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Oct 152012

Ron Gray focuses in on the trial judge who first heard Kari Simpson's defamation suit against Rafe Mair. Hear why Justice Mary Marvyn Koenigsberg was NOT in good standing and therefore not only should have disqualified herself from the case, but should also have been removed from the bench! This is yet another blatant example of judges and lawyers protecting each others sins.

Drive For Justice 17: The Brotherhood

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Oct 082012

Ron Gray introduces us to “The Brotherhood”, the collection of lawyers and judges that worked together to circumvent justice and shield each other from public scrutiny. Like any close-knit professional group, the Canadian legal profession backs its own in the face of difficulties – and boy were are difficulties: a lawyer as a defendant, a presiding judge involved in her own legal battle who steps over the line of legal behaviour, lax lawyers failing to follow the rules of the court, a lawyer who refuses to carry out her client’s wishes, and judges repeating defamatory comments as if they were truth! Is this Canadian justice? You bet!